SUN插式閥內部工作組件,均經(jīng)熱處理,加工耐磨,耐撞擊,抗疲勞,使用壽命長(cháng)。SUN插式閥出廠(chǎng)前,均經(jīng)完好的功能測試。SUN插式閥給于現場(chǎng)工程技術(shù)人員,創(chuàng )造具有大流量,低壓損,空間效益,以及易于安裝的油壓系統。
SUN插式閥浮動(dòng)式的設計允許較高的安裝扭矩,使閥更能確實(shí)上緊避免松動(dòng)或漏油。SUN 油口的一致性,使設計有較大的靈活性以及減少油路板的刀具的需求。
美國SUN閥公司主要產(chǎn)品 SUN插裝閥,SUN插式閥,SUN平衡閥,SUN泄壓閥,SUN順序閥,SUN單向閥,SUN分流閥,SUN方向閥,SUN電磁閥,SUN邏輯閥,SUN閥塊等。
Sun Hydraulics is a leading designer and manufacturer of high performance screw-in hydraulic cartridge valves and manifolds which control force, speed and motion as integral components in fluid power systems.
Our exclusive distribution arrangement with Sun Hydraulics has been the backbone in our manifold manufacturing division. We have been able to take cartridge valve integration to a new level, and are now suppliers to many well recognized fluid power establishments and OEM’s.
Sun Hydraulics' screw-in Hydraulic cartridge valves feature a unique, two piece floating construction. Cartridge products are available in up to 5 sizes (capacities), are capable of handling flows up to 400 gallons per minute, and operate at pressure up to 5,000 pounds per square inch.